World of Cheese

szo 30 augusztus 2014

A technically good blog post

Posted by Andy in Theology   

Over the summer of sport including a World Cup and some cricket, I've heard the term "Technically Good" being used to describe a player. It seems to be a complement and criticism in one. Someone who is technically good means that the way they play their sport is good, they have a good style, rhythm, they tick all the boxes required to be quality and they look good when they play. However, they aren't great or a legend and this term can mean that on paper are very good but somehow that doesn't transfer to the match, they don't make the difference, they don't rally the troops and they don't make major contributions which lead to the games being won.

This term is also true for Shred-guitar playing where people can play thousands of notes per seconds using obseque scales no one has heard of and looks very professional. However, the music they generate just doesn't connect with you, it leaves you cold, with no feeling and no discernible tune to hum!

This got me wondering, am I a technically good person/christian? Is everything good on paper/ how people see me but is some X-factor or something else missing?

