World of Cheese

p 12 augusztus 2016

The kitchen sync

Posted by Andy in Tech   

I've finally bit the bullet and updated all computers to Xenail Xerus based distrubutions - Mainly lxle and Xenialpup. The main reason was that I've been slack and changed, for numerous reasons, the church projection system from the dying opensong to openlp. Version 2.4 only works on a xenial+ system in linux and as I'm in the process of updating all church users of the words, it made sense to use 2.4 as the basemark version. At the same time, it made sense to localise the church blog posting, sermon recording/editing and song database to a holding folder which can be synced to an external laptop.

The most sensible bandwidth syncing for all my computers is syncthing and for connecting with others dropbox. There were a couple of problems (mentioned in previous posts as syncthing doesn't play nice with symbolic links, dropbox doesn't run on non x86 hardware(the main server).

The solution was to run both services on my main powerful computer and sync the two folders. This could be done by programming an update every x mins but there is a more sensible solution - lsyncd. This watches a local directory trees event monitor interface and then runs a command. I decide to use unison to sync the two dist-folders but lsyncd could be used to run any command upon an event trigger, backups, notifications... So far this dual-syncing system seems to be working :)

