World of Cheese

p 10 április 2020

Strength of Christ

Posted by Andy in Theology   

I've been thinking about Jesus's Death today as part of my Good Friday thoughts. The main thought I've had this year is that Jesus was a strong person. Looking at what he went through in the last 24 hours of his life includes no sleep, beatings (which could kill someone), interrogation, a few kangaroo court trials, consistent mocking and then crucifixion. He remains calms, not angry and even thinks of others (his mother, his executioners, the fellow condemned). He also prays.

Me? I'm an angry, grumpy, shouty mess if I have to wake up early, don't have a coffee or 7, forget to eat breakfast, someone drives badly near me or something else petty. When semi-serious things happen, I am Vengeance, I am the night #I'mnotanimatedBatMan It takes the smallest thing to knock me off course whilst Jesus could do all this.

The other bit is that he knew it was coming and chose it.

