World of Cheese

k 23 április 2024

Splitting Magenta

Posted by Andy in Thoughts   

I've been wearing glasses for years but recently have noticed a new effect due to the high n1 refactivce nature of my lenses and the abundnace of red/blue LEDs. So, in Modern electronics/toys, it is very easy to have a red and blue led which can be switch on together or idenpendantly. There is usually a cover which diffuses the light to make it look like a single source. The human brain can't process a mixture of the two colours so it makes up a new colour called magneta This video here explains excellently this phonemenon.

Case Closed, or is it ...

Red and blue are very simular but they have different wavelength which means that they will refract differently and therefore with a strong thick lens, you should be able to seperate the colours. So in my glasses, the thinnest part is where my iris is, so i see nothing unusual head on but if I move my eyes to the edge of the lens, by the frame, the fun starts as the magenta-glowing penguin seperates into a blue and red penguin! and My new Walrus effect pedals's updated inddicator splits into its core colors. This effect is also visible for red and green so I can make the glowing buttons of the water color move relative to eachother by just moving my head!

